
Our quaint, picturesque, lovely, friendly town

BRATTLEBORO — Over the weekend of Oct. 18, we were honored to host family and friends for our daughter's wedding.

Guests came to Brattleboro as a “destination wedding” from Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Sweden!

They arrived on Thursday, giving them time to explore the Brattleboro area, and their comments were all positive about our quaint, picturesque, lovely, friendly town, the magnificent foliage, and opportunities for entertainment.

Our planning for this wonderful weekend started well over a year ago, and we were fortunate to work with Taylor for Flowers, Malisun, The Marina, Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce, and Vermont Artisan Designs. The weekend culminated with a delicious and fun reception at Dalem's Chalet.

Housing for our guests was provided by area hotels and vacation rental housing. Michigan Holstein farmers toured the Holstein Association U.S.A. headquarters; others visited Grafton Village Cheese and its petting farm and hiked to the top of Harris Hill, envisioning how scary 90 meters looks. All ate at our lovely restaurants.

We are so proud of our hometown!

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