
Most marijuana use made arbitrarily unlawful by a few government mortals

BRATTLEBORO — Many young people have an innate interest in things that make them feel good and glow with an almost excited delirium for life. They ride on a peak of being interested in everything, and as they age, most of them decelerate to a variety of moderate behaviors throughout their lives.

Unfortunately, the few who cannot decelerate drive legislatures to make laws for all of us. No matter that the majority of drug “consumers” are largely working, responsible people throughout our social and class strata.

In the main, those adults who decelerated to moderate behavior want to be left alone. So why are moderates lumped in with the drug addicts? Where are the laws for them?

Why have our legislators turned moderates, who constitute the majority of Americans, into criminals, when they do not engage in criminal intent or activities, except those consensual behaviors that are arbitrarily made unlawful by a few government mortals?

But then again, how god-awful it must be, to be so miserable with yourself that you would advocate denying to everyone their freedom of choice - just because you couldn't handle your own choices.

A group of Vermonters have started a state affiliate of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), a national group that opposes marijuana legalization.

According to press accounts, Patrick Kennedy, SAM co-founder, says his “battles with drug-addiction led him to oppose the legalization of marijuana.”

It's unfortunate that Patrick Kennedy's personal drug-addiction troubles led him to oppose legal marijuana, but no one should tread on the right for adults to secure for themselves their intrinsic freedom of choice.

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