
If we have all the economic wealth yet lose this livable planet, of what value are we?

BRATTLEBORO — Wealth today has no value unless it is used to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent and address the global-warming crisis.

Scientists believe carbon emissions reduction must happen immediately - by the year 2050, only 35 years from now - to prevent a catastrophic and suicidal calamity. People worldwide are calling for immediate divestment from all fossil fuel.

Since we already have more than enough fuel above ground in storage to carry us through the needed transition time to the new systems of sustainable energy, all people of wealth and those using businesses connected to the fossil-fuel industries must demonstrate courage by changing investments and businesses to preserve life on this planet.

Hopefully, the corporations will listen to the influence of personal choices of individuals who act on their values. If we value life, we will act like we value life. This wealth - real value - is inherent in who we are as beings; it is authentic wealth, not contrived by worthless papers and coins.

If we have all the economic wealth in the world, yet lose this livable planet, of what value are we?

If we really want to leave a livable world to children and grandchildren, we must take responsibility for sharing resources equitably and caring for one another, all others.

We must live as if our lives and the lives of those we love depends on what we do now: Live compassionately with forethought and fair play - i.e., justice.

We did not create the Earth, nor can we “save” it with technology. Each technological scheme has brought us closer to annihilation. The Ten Instructions for Life on Earth from the Creator, Yahuah, work today as they have from the beginning.

Humans have mostly chosen not to live by the rules and have reaped the “curses” of war, death, destruction, famine, and pestilence, and we can honestly look forward to more of the same if we do not make a change.

If we do not change direction, we will certainly end up where we are now headed. But if we change our ways and try the Instructions for Life on Earth, we will certainly be better human beings (we will not kill and steal or covet) and we will learn the blessings that await us under the umbrella of the Creator's protection and plan.

Contrived wealth is worthless; all dead people can attest to that. In the end, we will all die. What is important is how we live now: Do we choose to be human beings of worth and value, or do we choose to be worthless? The real, authentic worth is invisible, yet powerful enough to change the world.

Let us do what Yahuah, the Creator, said. Love others as yourself and guard the Earth.

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