Guilford briefs

Library project makes progress

GUILFORD — GUILFORD - After soliciting bids for work needed on the Guilford Free Library, the town received one response from Mathes Hulme Builders.

The offer was $19,207 to add insulation to the building, constructed in 1891, and to repair its floor.

Selectboard Chair Anne Rider, upon opening the bid at the June 22 regular board meeting, noted it exceeded the budgeted amount for the project by $4,207.

Board member Gabrielle Ciuffreda wondered aloud how the town would come up with the extra money to cover the project.

Rider suggested accepting Mathes Hume Builders's bid, then working with them to see where costs could be reduced. She will also contact the library's trustees to see if they can cover the difference.

Guilford issues dog warrant

GUILFORD - Residents who have neglected to license their dogs for 2015 may soon receive a visit from the friendly neighborhood dog catcher.

At the June 22 regular Selectboard meeting, Board member Troy Revis Jr. noted 62 dogs in town are currently unlicensed.

In response, the Selectboard unanimously voted to sign the Dog Warrant, empowering Animal Control Officer Walter Thorn to “take the necessary steps,” according to the meeting's draft minutes.

The Board noted some of these canines may have passed away or moved out of town, but their owners still failed to meet the May 1 deadline for notifying the town. Board Chair Anne Rider reminded Guilford dog owners they need to license their pets annually.

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