Neighborhood Pride Campaign begins for Frost/Elm/Elliot Street triangle

BRATTLEBORO — As part of an effort to increase community connectedness, the FEET Neighbors group has started its Neighborhood Pride Zone campaign in the Frost, Elm, and Elliot streets triangle.

The campaign will create a visible presence of connection and safety within the area.

“Instead of having a neighborhood watch program, which creates an 'us versus them' mentality, our goal is to continue to unite neighbors to work together, embracing our diversity and getting to know one another,” Robyn Flatley, a resident of Elliot Street, said.

In 2011, a volunteer group of neighbors met to discuss growing concerns about neighborhood safety issues. A survey was conducted in 2012 to hear directly from residents of the triangle, giving them voice to identify strategies for neighborhood improvement.

Since then, a group of volunteers - including landlords - has met monthly. FEET has sponsored Green Up Day for three years, with high attendance.

FEET has also hosted community potlucks, including a visioning event. “We have a Facebook page with 58 neighbors as members, and we are co-hosting a neighborhood block party in August with Promise Communities for all the neighbors,” says Flatley.

FEET also recently began a garden project, planting 200 bulbs on the corner near Dompier Electric and adding flower barrels throughout the neighborhood.

“Thanks to a grant from the Vermont Community Foundation, we have been able to reach out more to our neighbors,” said Kris McDermet, who owns a home within the neighborhood.

Members are working with the relocated Turning Point Recovery Center on a garden project; and the Restless Rooster Cafe, which borders the other corner of the triangle, will also create an entryway garden. The restaurant currently allows the group to hang its billboard.

For more information, or to get involved with FEET, check out their Facebook page at FEET Neighbors or email [email protected].

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