
Not all gloom and doom

In the first half of the biennium, Democrats in the Statehouse listened and acted

WESTMINSTER — With presidential and gubernatorial electioneering pushing the election calendar up this year, some might forget that legislative candidates put themselves before voters only last summer.

In last year's election, Vermonters spoke and Democrats listened, resulting in continued Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate - contrary to how some would try and spin those election results.

Vermonters told us they wondered how we could keep and attract quality employers to build a workforce that meets current demands.

Democrats listened, and Vermont will be an easier place to organize and run businesses through legislation to modernize our Limited Liability Corporation law and Uniform Commercial Code.

The Vermont Scholars and Internship programs were expanded to help keep our young college students here, and reforming the Vermont Economic Growth Initiative (VEGI) will create more jobs and on-the-job training for employers.

Vermonters told us they value the beauty and wonder of our environment and accept that we all must do our part in addressing climate change, which is real and here. (Another way to look at climate change is to refer to it as “our children's future.”)

Democrats listened and acted, offering the RESET program to increase electric consumption from renewable energy sources, support community generation, and promote innovative projects that reduce our carbon footprint and save money.

Vermonters reminded us that swimmable, drinkable, fishable waters not only contribute to our quality of life, they contribute more than $2 billion to our yearly economy.

With our own Rep. David Deen leading the way, the Clean Water Bill finally puts resources and enforcement in place to address a problem that has been a century in the making and will take decades to overcome.

Protecting our children is as important as anything we do as a civilized society.

Vermonters around the state were outraged when two toddlers lost their lives to domestic violence. By bringing together family, caregivers, law enforcement, and state workers to help craft a bill that would make a difference, the Legislature made changes to child-abuse reporting laws, improved lines of communication among those looking out for child safety, put the focus of where to place vulnerable children in vulnerable circumstances on “best interests of the child,” and made changes to bail determination when related to child abuse.

Equally important, the underlying factors of mental health and addiction will get more attention - and services will be expanded and easier to access.

Finally, Vermonters asked us not only to balance a budget in the current year; but to set a course that addresses our financial future while maintaining the quality of life that attracts and keeps us in Vermont. And, they asked us to do so in a balanced, reasonable way that shares the sacrifice.

Since the Great Recession that started in 2007, revenue growth nationwide has slowed, and federal funding for many programs has disappeared. In an effort to create a sustainable solution, advocates from a wide political spectrum asked for a multi-year approach in closing this gap.

These economic adjustments have paid off, as we finished the fiscal year with a small surplus and are starting off this fiscal year on track for another balanced budget.

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Vermont unemployment continues to drop, wages are rising, and prospects are brightening. While the doom-and-gloomers will paint all this as bad news, we Democrats see Vermonters' best days ahead of us.

Vermont Democrats will continue to listen to Vermonters over pundits and will continue to govern, as is required of the majority party - especially when it comes to protecting women's rights, like access to health services.

Slick sound bites from opponents mask the complexity and difficulty of the issues presented, like education and funding it. They ignore the values Vermonters ask us to bring to our decisionmaking: community, equality, and common sense.

Now, electioneering is already filling the media landscape and your part-time citizen legislature is busy preparing to govern, with the 2016 legislative session looming in January.

If you have ideas or questions about how we can improve life for Vermonters, now is the time to be in touch. Our contact info is on the Legislative website, legislature.vermont.gov.

Bottom line is, Democrats are listening to Vermonters and governing. We're moving Vermont to a better today and brighter tomorrow.

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