Leland & Gray offers Refuse to Use program

TOWNSHEND — This fall, students at Leland & Gray Middle and High School will be offered the chance to participate in the Refuse to Use Program.

Refuse to Use, developed by Stratton Mountain Resort and West River Valley Thrives, provides substance use prevention education to teens, schools, and families paired with the offering of a healthy alternative to substance use – a highly discounted ski pass.

Teens in Refuse to Use make a pledge to stay substance free by not consuming any alcohol, tobacco, other illegal drugs, or misusing prescription drugs. The teens' parents and caring adults pledge to support the students' decision.

Students are expected to attend five educational events: the kickoff event, an intergenerational community dialogue night, and three more events focusing on substance use prevention education. Parents/guardians commit to attending the kick off and the intergenerational community dialogue night.

In exchange for making this pledge, students have their choice of an unrestricted-use pass to Stratton Mountain Ski Area.

The Refuse to Use Kickoff event was well attended last month, as nearly the whole school filled the gymnasium. Students and their parents listened to speaker Steve Waldo, from the Vermont Department of Liquor Control, and then stood together to make their pledge to remain substance free for the year.

Other prevention collaboratives around the state have had success with Refuse to Use, which will be led at Leland & Gray by Jaclyn Bristol and Karren Meyer.

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