
Brattleboro skatepark: a long time coming

BRATTLEBORO — Forrest Gump ran across America multiple times, in less time than it has taken to get a skatepark in Brattleboro.

NASA's Exploration Rover traveled all the way to Mars while this town has floundered on getting a skatepark.

It has taken longer for Brattleboro to get a skatepark than World Wars I and II, combined.

In fact, the Panama Canal, the Empire State Building, the Burj Khalifa, the Titanic, the White House, Michelangelo's statue of David, and the St. Louis Gateway Arch all took less time to construct than it has taken for Brattleboro to get a skatepark.

It has also taken almost the same amount of time to map the Human Genome that it has taken to get a skatepark.

And coming soon, the Great Pyramid of Giza will have taken less time to build than it has taken to get a skatepark in Brattleboro.

Meanwhile, BMX riders, skateboarders, and scooter enthusiasts languish, and these kids are now actually starting to look like Forrest Gump when he was running across America.

What does this say about our community?

Let's put our actions to work and remember that the greatest nation on Earth is donation.

Donating to the Brattleboro Skatepark at Living Memorial Park is achieved by sending a check to Brattleboro Rec and Parks with the word “BASIC” in the memo.

Donating to the Skatepark is easier than pouring a bowl of Frosted Flakes. And Frosted Flakes and donations are regarded with the same motto: “They're Grrrrreat!”

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