
Auditions planned for ATP’s 2016 Ten Minute Play Festival

BRATTLEBORO — The Actors Theatre Playhouse in West Chesterfield, N.H., announces open interviews and auditions for its eighth Ten Minute Play Festival, performing Fridays and Saturdays, June 10-25, 2016 for six performances.

Auditions will be on Saturday, Dec. 5, at 10 a.m., and Thursday, Dec. 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Brattleboro Savings & Loan Community Room, 221 Main St. Organizers ask that those interested RSVP to producer Jim Bombicino at [email protected] if they plan on attending, or can't make those times and would like to set up a more convenient time.

Since April of this year the Ten Minute Festival Selection Committee has been reviewing more than 130 scripts submitted by New England playwrights. In recent weeks, the selection has been narrowed down to an even dozen. From this dozen, seven plays will be selected for the festival, which is opening the Playhouse 2016 Season.

The goal is to provide an opportunity for new playwrights to have their work recognized and brought to life. Since the beginning of the festival it has also been a goal to create as many acting and directing opportunities as possible.

Actor participation and involvement are key to the success of the program and organizers plan to cast up to 20 actors, so lots of roles are available for all ages and levels of experience.

At the auditions, participants will be asked to read from plays that interest them. Directors may also ask attendees to read for other plays and roles as well. Actors may audition for as many plays as you they like and may act in more than one play.

After the plays are cast, table reads will start in January 2016 and actors will be “off book” by mid-May. Rehearsals will be spread out over several months, with the most intense time being the two weeks before the opening and through the first weekend's run. Actors should plan to have those two weeks open and available every evening (May 31 through June 9). The directors will make up the rehearsal schedules for their respective plays with their actors.

For information about ATP, visit

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