MudFling benefits Meeting House School

MARLBORO — On Saturday, Feb. 27, Meeting House School will hold its annual MudFling Event from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at Meeting House School, 534 South Rd..

The Meeting House School is a preschool for 3-to-5 year olds in Marlboro. As part of the school's fundraising events, the parents host a raffle and coffee house every February during mud season. It's an adults-only evening, and for a $10 admission at the door (which includes a raffle ticket), visitors can consume coffee, tea, and gourmet desserts while listening to live music by Swingin' Boys of Mudville.

Whetstone CiderWorks will be serving a cash bar, with all proceeds benefiting the Meeting House Preschool. The donated raffle items are from local businesses and area artists.

Packages of raffle items will be valued at between $300 and $950. The items range from local Vermont food products, health and wellness services and products, a ski/golf and stay package from The Hermitage, and a Nantucket getaway.

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