
Three lessons from Mr. Pfenning

I was saddened to read of the passing of Brad Pfenning, one of the nicest, most even-tempered people I have ever known.

I had the privilege of taking drivers' education from him during the summer of 1963. I was in the back seat, awaiting my turn at the wheel, when the young man who was driving got flustered and broke the gear shift completely off from the steering column.

Mr. Pfenning kept his cool and dryly observed, “At least you had the good sense to snap it off while the transmission was in drive. Would you kindly drive us back to school?”

I learned three things that day that have served me well in my 45-year secondary and post-secondary teaching career: keep your calm, keep your sense of humor and, above all else, allow your students to maintain their sense of dignity.

Rest in peace, Mr. Pfenning. You left the world better than you found it.

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