
Workshop details secrets to successful conflict management

BRATTLEBORO — The Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC) of Brattleboro is sponsoring a workshop, “3 Secrets to Successful Conflict Management,” at the Marlboro College Graduate Center, Room 2E, in Brattleboro on Tuesday, April 26, from 9 a.m. to noon.

The workshop starts from the premise that while some conflicts are unavoidable, conflicts often present opportunities for growth and improvement. According to a news release, “effective conflict-management skills give people the ability to identify and handle conflicts wisely, objectively, and powerfully. How one handles a conflict can increase one's own personal success and the professional success with others.”

The workshop will be interactive, and participants will explore and identify conflict-management techniques to use at work or at home.

The presenter is Carrie Gendreau, who has been assisting individuals and guiding organizations in discovering and developing their ultimate potential for more than 30 years. Gendreau is the founder and trainer of The Training Connection, which designs custom professional-development programs for various organizations in New England.

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