
Business briefs

Job fair at Commonwealth Dairy

BRATTLEBORO — BRATTLEBORO - Ehrmann Commonwealth Dairy is sponsoring a job fair at their yogurt manufacturing location on Omega Drive in Brattleboro.

The job fair will be held on Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Openings are available in the following areas: production, packaging, warehouse, maintenance and quality assurance. They are also looking for supervisory candidates in both the warehouse and production operations.

Customer service class offered at VtSBDC

BRATTLEBORO - Customer service can mean the difference between a “good” company and a “superior” company. Customers are lost for a variety of reasons, but keeping customers requires both efficiency and effectiveness.

This will be an interactive workshop which gives participants an opportunity to discover tools and techniques that provide “knock your socks” off service to customers.

Participants will uncover methods that make customers feel important, transform complaints into valuable customer feedback, become the master in the art of listening. learn how everyone is significant in providing exceptional customer service, and how to “out-service” competitors and recognize the value of first impressions to earn customer trust.

Carrie Gendreau will the lead the class, which will be held on Thursday, May 3, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Marlboro College Graduate Center, 28 Vernon St. The cost is $10. To sign up, call Vicki at 800-464-7232.

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