Forum invites thoughts on proposed town plan

ATHENS — On Wednesday, May 4, at 7 p.m., in the Athens School, an open forum will be held concerning the development of a town plan.

Tim Johnson from WTSA Radio in Brattleboro will be the moderator. The forum is funded by a Municipal Planning Grant that was awarded by the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development and is sponsored by the Athens Town Planning Commission. Light refreshments will be served.

The commission, which has come up with a rough draft for a town plan, is made up of volunteers appointed by the Selectboard. John Oberling is the Chair, and Sandi Capponcelli acts as secretary. Other townspeople serving as members include Janet Perry, Tim Stevenson, Andy Toepfer, Ivor Stevens, and Matt Perry.

Residents of Athens are invited to come and offer their opinions, thoughts, and ideas on the proposed town plan.

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