Guilford briefs

Green River Bridge detour alert

GUILFORD — GUILFORD - Construction season is upon us, and the detour for the Green River Covered Bridge project is scheduled to begin June 20, according to Town Administrator Katie Buckley. As of that date, no vehicular and pedestrian traffic may cross the bridge.

Work on the bridge begins on May 23, but to allow for school bus travel it won't close until school is out. The bridge will re-open Aug. 27.

For details on the project, including alternate routes during bridge closure, visit

AOT hosts Route 5 Algiers Bridge hearing

GUILFORD - The Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) will host a public information meeting on the replacement of the Route 5 Algiers bridge on May 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the Guilford Community Church.

Construction on the state-owned bridge is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2017.

Green-Up Day coming soon

GUILFORD - Elly Majonen, the town's Green-Up coordinator, announced the statewide Green-Up Day is coming on May 7.

“The town trucks will be there,” Majonen told the Selectboard at their April 11 regular meeting. Volunteers can fill the trucks with trash they pick up alongside Guilford's roads,.

Volunteers may pick up bags beginning at 8 a.m. at the Broad Brook Grange. Those interested in early bag pickup can contact Majonen at [email protected].

New pooch police

GUILFORD - The Selectboard unanimously voted to appoint Marianne Lawrence as Dog Officer for the year.

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