
No excuse whatsoever for littering

After reading the sadly misguided piece by Bill Conley, I felt compelled to respond.

No, Bill, it is not the producers of products who are responsible for the disposal of their packaging - that is the responsibility of the person purchasing the product. In other words, I assume if you are able to afford a Big Mac at McDonald's, you will walk past a place to properly dispose of its wrapper (multiple plastic garbage cans).

Even poor people cannot pretend they think someone else (“the fairy”) is going to pick up their trash. There is no excuse whatsoever for throwing trash out your vehicle's window, other than you care nothing for our Earth.

It is time to make fines for littering climb to levels where they would, indeed, make people who litter as poor as they deserve to be.

You throw trash out of your hand or window of your car and an officer sees you? I hope you are fined to bankruptcy, because you deserve it.

Increase littering fines!

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