
Walpole Concerts on the Green return for 34th year

Savings Bank of Walpole recently announced the dates and bands scheduled to perform at the annual “Concerts on the Green” summer concert series held on the town green in Walpole.

The nine-concert series will kick off on Sunday, June 26 with a performance by The Springfield (Vt.) Community Band and conclude with two concerts on Aug. 14 featuring the Hope Haitian Choir (who are being sponsored by the First Congregational Church of Walpole) and The Jazz Express.

All of the performances will take place on Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8 p.m., except for Aug. 14, when the first show starts at 4 p.m. and runs until 5:30 p.m., followed by the second show, which will begin at 6:30 p.m.

The concerts will be held rain or shine.

This year's edition marks the 34th year that Savings Bank of Walpole has underwritten the free summer concert series.

The other shows on the 2016 “Concerts on the Green” schedule include the Westmoreland Town Band on July 3, the Keene American Legion Band on July 10, the East Bay Jazz Ensemble on July 17, The Temple Band on July 24, the Brattleboro American Legion Band on July 31, and the Montague Community Band on Aug. 7.

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