
I need love to be the answer

I need to believe that hate has no home here and will not dominate our beautiful country

BRATTLEBORO — When my tears run dry and my heart stops aching, maybe then I can think more clearly.

But for right now, this moment, I need to believe that love is the answer.

I need to believe that hate has no home here and will not dominate our beautiful country. I need love to be the answer.

I need love to be what keeps the people who lost their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, best friends and soulmates, alive and lifted up.

I need love to make the change we so desperately need to happen.

I need love to motivate people to be better. Do better. Act better. Live better.

I need love to be the answer.

I need hate to dissolve into love. I need hate to not be the reflex that this horrendous act perpetrates. I need hate to be abolished and love to take its place.

I need love to motivate us all to raise a generation of world changers. I need love to prevent this from happening again.

I need love to be the answer.

I need to believe that we are better than this. That this is not our new normal. That this was an act of one single individual who didn't have enough love.

I need love to be the answer because I can't fathom there being any other.

To Orlando, I love you.

To the victims, I love you.

To the afraid and angry and devastated, I love you.

To the LGBTQ community everywhere, I love you.

To you, reading this, I love you.

Let's be that change we so desperately need.

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