Local 4-H members earn awards at state event

The 2016 4-H State Day brought more than 150 of Vermont's most talented 4-H members to Barre to enlighten and entertain the public about their 4-H club work through their action exhibits, stage presentations, illustrated talks, tabletop exhibits and more, according to a news release.

University of Vermont Extension 4-H sponsored the May 21 event at the Barre Civic Center. While all participants were winners at the regional level, those chosen as state winners are invited to repeat their presentations and performances or display their photos, posters, and tabletop exhibits at the Eastern States Exposition (The Big E) in West Springfield, Mass., in September.

Local winners are listed alphabetically by category:

PHOTO DESIGN: Whitney Dunklee, Vernon; Emeillia Gomo, Chester; Kelsey Kissell, Vernon; Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Whitney Dunklee, Vernon; Arin Kenyon, Chester; Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport.

POSTERS: Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport (Equine Evolution).

STAGE PRESENTATIONS (GROUP): River Riders II, Cambridgeport (song and guitar).

TABLETOP EXHIBITS: Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport (Equine Wounds).

Other top exhibitors at 4-H State Day were:

DEMONSTRATIONS (INDIVIDUAL): Junior Division - Tanya Wheeler, Wilmington (The Wonderful World of Driving).

ILLUSTRATED TALK: Junior Division - CC Allembert, Wilmington (Know Your English Bridle).

TABLETOP EXHIBITS (category winners but not selected for The Big E): Emeillia Gomo, Chester (My Intro to Dressage); Arin Kenyon, Chester (Spotted Draft Horses).

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