
Are transportation options available?

I do not live in Brattleboro, but as often as I can I visit a good friend there. She has not been well and had a serious surgery last year.

I feel sure that better recovery has been hampered by her difficulty in getting to important medical appointments. I know there is a shuttle bus that can be booked, but the requirements and reservation practices are often not possible for my friend, so she has missed out on several very important opportunities to meet with her medical practitioners. She has missed appointments that needed to be scheduled in New Hampshire, and it is nearly impossible for her to find transportation.

I know of several other communities that have catch-a-ride-type transportation for those who need some door-to-door assistance with a driver willing to get them into their appointments, wait for them, and return them safely to their door.

Is there some sort of service in Brattleboro that I don't know about and, if not, is there a social services agency that might consider looking at this option?

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