
DePino and Cutler stand strong for gun rights

WESTMINSTER WEST — I am glad Connie Baxter has taken the opportunity to introduce my wife, Bonnie, and my best friend, Eddie Cutler, to the residents and voters of the Windham-4 district.

I have been very busy lately protecting the rights of Vermonters and the American public from the never-ending wave of anti-rights propaganda and legislation moving through Vermont and Washington, and I have not been able to sit down and write a little bit about my wife. Sorry, honey!

My wife is as hard working as they come. She puts up with a husband who spends eight to 10 hours a day researching, writing, making videos, refuting lies, sitting through anti-gun legislative hearings, driving around the state to meet with members and the public to educate them on firearm rights. She also home-schools our child and still has to keep the home running.

First off, I am vice president of the Gun Owners of Vermont, Eddie Cutler is the president, and my wife is a board member. None of us get paid to protect Vermonters! It is a totally volunteer, grassroots organization.

Rest assured, that your Article 16 rights will be well protected in Montpelier with Bonnie and Eddie in the House!

Maybe Mrs. Baxter should disclose she is a member of GunSense Vermont, the Bloomberg-funded, out-of-state controlled, anti-rights organization set up to dismantle Vermonter's gun rights one piece at a time? Oh, and according to IRS filings, four GunSense Board Members were paid in 2014 to infringe on the rights of Vermonters.

That said, incumbents David Deen and Mike Mrowicki are in contested races for the first time in six election cycles, and the anti-gun crowd has taken the first shot to see that continues.

Mrs. Baxter correctly states “David Deen and Mike Mrowicki have long and documented records of service in the Vermont House of Representatives.” However, she leaves out the part about how they always support every scrap of gun-control legislation they can. They run uncontested and do not have any accountability to their constituents.

Like Mrs. Baxter, Mike Mrowicki is also a member of the anti-gun group and has given free air time on his cable access show to promote her group, has sponsored almost a dozen anti-gun bills, and has publicly stated that he doesn't believe Vermonters should be allowed to carry concealed firearms.

David Deen has refused to let Eddie Cutler testify in state anti-gun hearings. So much for “will carefully consider any bills....”

Actual gun safety is not rooted in legislation, it's what is practiced and taught by responsible gun owners every day.

Legislation such as Mrowicki and Deen support is not about safety, it is about control. It is statism and an infringement of the rights of law-abiding Vermonters.

Turns out Connie's husband is Gun Sense Vermont's treasurer, Gregory Moschetti!

It is despicable how the anti-gun supporters hide their true identities while attempting to demonize those who work tirelessly to protect the rights of fellow citizens!

Folks, there is no such thing as a “grassroots” anti-gun organization!

They are funded by the rich and powerful, with teams of lawyers, lobbyists, writers, and scapegoats.

Michael Bloomberg spent over $500,000 in Vermont and nationally to slander the good name of Vermonters to push for universal background checks in 2015.

Gun Sense was the recipient of much of that support: financial, technical, legislative, lobbying and probably much more we don't know of yet.

Voters, question everything about the people who are trying to undermine your Constitutional Rights! You will find they are not who they pretend to be.

Mrs. Baxter continues, “Little is known yet about where Eddie Cutler and Bonnie DePino stand on the wide range of issues.”

Well, why didn't you ask them? We have received no emails from you asking for positions on any issue. You aren't on their Facebook pages either.

There are already laws to keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them and they are not being enforced. But you know that.

Each so-called “common sense” anti-gun bill is an attempt to chip away at the constitutional rights of the citizenry.

Each so-called “conversation” is an attempt to find a soft-spot to infringe just a little bit more.

Well, there can be no “compromises” on constitutional rights.

In a true compromise, everybody loses something.

No one's rights should be put to a vote.

My wife and Eddie will abide by their oaths of office to defend the constitutional rights of Vermonters on all legislation proposed in Montpelier, not just firearms.

When a constitutional right is lost, you can never get it back.

Remember that when you vote in November.

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