
Dunne, Zuckerman fight for sustainable and just future

PUTNEY — Just as Vermont is the state that launched Bernie Sanders onto a national stage, we also have an opportunity to nominate candidates for governor and lieutenant governor who have bold, progressive ideas.

Matt Dunne and David Zuckerman are both fighters for a sustainable and just future. Some ideas they both share include:

• an understanding of the existential peril posed by climate disruption. Vermonters tend to pay attention to weather. We know the extreme heat and drought of this summer is not the old normal.

• support for a better life for working people in the form of paid family leave, $15-per-hour minimum wage, and other policies.

• legalizing marijuana.

David is an organic farmer and would bring that unique perspective to Montpelier.

Both David and Matt supported Bernie's presidential bid early and strongly. That good judgement has earned my support in the Aug. 9 primary.

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