
Multiple legislators urge vote for Minter

BRATTLEBORO — As the primary approaches, and Vermonters evaluate who our next governor ought to be, Sue Minter has separated herself from the pack and proven herself to be the strongest choice for not just Windham County, but for all Vermonters on Election Day.

We first witnessed Sue's leadership during her service in Vermont's House of Representatives. There, she fought to maintain essential services during the recession, making sure we didn't leave Vermonters behind.

Her excellent work in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene demonstrated her decisiveness, which was instrumental in the recovery effort. Sue's efforts, her consummate professionalism, and her social intelligence helped to quickly rebuild hundreds of miles of our roads and bridges.

Sue works relentlessly toward solutions. We are not surprised that on the campaign trail, she has tirelessly advocated for solutions that address the root of the challenges currently facing Vermonters. Many Vermonters feel stuck struggling to make ends meet in an economy that is stacked against them.

The 21st-century economy requires post-secondary education, yet 40 percent of high school graduates in Vermont do not continue their schooling. Sue's plan to provide two free years of tuition at Community College of Vermont and Vermont Technical College to Vermont graduates will enable these Vermonters to access the education and training they need to find livable-wage jobs.

These jobs will stimulate the economy right here in Windham County. Accessible post-secondary education for all families is critical not just to our economy but to our democracy.

Furthermore, Sue understands the key role that our compact downtowns play in making Vermont the special place it is. Her plan, InvestVT, will make strategic public investments in downtown infrastructure, a strategy that has been proven to successfully leverage millions of dollars in private investment.

Downtown Barre is a shining example. The town turned $19 million of public investment into an additional $45 million in private investment. Barre is now a city on the rise, with new businesses showing up every day. We should take this strategy across Vermont, and Sue has a plan to do it.

Despite all of this, what makes Sue the most qualified to be our next governor is her clear and consistent commitment to her community, from her work to revitalize her own community, Waterbury, after Irene, to hosting a refugee family as they settled in Vermont.

Sue does the right thing, because it's the right thing to do. It is clear to us that Sue is running because she believes in Vermont, and because she can and will make a positive difference for our state. That's why we enthusiastically support Sue Minter for governor.

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