
Auditions announced for ‘They Don’t Pay? We Won’t Pay!’

BRATTLEBORO — Vermont Theatre Company announced auditions for its fall production, “They Don't Pay? We Won't Pay!” an Italian farce written by Dario Fo and directed by Michelle Page.

According to a news release, auditions will be held on Monday, Aug. 29, at 6 p.m., in the Brattleboro Union High School auditorium. Enter the building through the first door on the right when approaching from Canal Street (Route 5)

There are roles for three men and two women ages 20-60. The show calls for two married couples, one young and one older. There is also one male who plays several roles. Actors will be asked to do cold readings from the script.

For more information or to schedule an alternate audition time, contact the director at [email protected].

“Non Si Paga! Non Si Paga!” is the original title of the show and it has been translated several times and performed in 35 countries since 1990.

“They Don't Pay? We Won't Pay!” tells the story of Antonia, an unemployed housewife, who has been part of a grocery stealing riot and needs her best friend, Margherita, to help keep the food hidden from her husband and the police. This political comedy highlights the average person's backlash against rising prices and an unfair class system.

The production will run Nov. 11-13 and 17-20, at Hooker-Dunham Theater in downtown Brattleboro.

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