
We’ll take the turbines

Hey, Iberdrola! If the good people of Windham and Grafton don't want the windmills, come to Weathersfield. We'll take 'em and that more-than-a-million-dollars in relief from town taxes. We even have the same power line that runs through our town.

How many people think about where the energy is coming from when we recharge our computers, run our air conditioners, turn up our thermostats, open our refrigerators, turn on our stoves to cook, turn our lights on?

How many of us actually conserve? There are countless and well documented ways to conserve energy. But do we?

Oil and gas are not going to be around forever. And how much aquatic life has been destroyed because of accidents?

Nuclear accidents are unforgiving for many generations to come as well as seemingly not cost-effective business-wise, or Vernon would still have Vermont Yankee.

We complain about renewable energy like windmills, solar panels, water dams, wave generators, etc., yet do we conserve? We want to have our cake and eat it, too.

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