Newfane briefs

Board manages building committee

NEWFANE — NEWFANE - As officials continue to work on the many issues plaguing the Town Office building, the Selectboard recently provided some guidance and new committee members.

At the Sept. 19 regular Selectboard meeting, Board members unanimously voted to retain the remaining members of the Town Office Building Committee - Gary Delius, Carol Hatcher, Doris Knechtel, and Frank Suponski - and appoint Karen Astley, Mel Martin, and Meghan Monro.

At Administrative Assistant Shannon Meckle's urging, the Selectboard also unanimously passed a motion guiding the committee's work: to develop a plan for updating and maintaining the current building.

Town offices bond re-vote scheduled

NEWFANE - At their Sept. 19 regular meeting, the Selectboard accepted a petition calling for a re-vote on the Town Offices bond issue. The new vote will happen the same day as the General Elections, Nov. 8, and the Board will hold a public hearing within 10 days of the vote.

Since August's town offices bond vote defeat - 286 against, 226 for - enough residents signed a petition calling for a re-vote on whether the town should bond for no more than $950,000 to build a new town offices building.

The petition gathered 148 confirmed signatures; 123 were needed.

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