
Difficult to get sanctimonious over Bill Clinton’s infidelities

JACKSONVILLE — Sandy Golden's letter accused Hillary Clinton of blindly standing by her husband when he was accused of making unwelcome sexual advances.

Golden also invited readers to Google “Kathleen Willey,” a woman who accused Clinton of “groping her” 28 years ago. So I did, and the results were eye-popping.

According to Willey, not only did Bill Clinton “grope” her, but the Clintons also connived to murder her husband in cold blood. As if that wasn't enough, she says the Clintons also killed Willey's cats, even going so far as to leave the skull of one of them on their front doormat as a warning.


How did Hillary ever find time, in her busy schedule as First Lady, to murder Vince Foster, Willey's husband, and the Willey family cats, too? I mean, we know she's a workaholic, but apparently she's something of a Mafia Godmother as well.

Golden also directed us to Google “Monica Lewinsky,” but there was no need for that. We all lived through the impeachment hearings where Bill Clinton admitted his affair with the young intern.

I happen to think this was a deplorable lapse of judgement on Bill Clinton's part. But what people forget is that Lewinsky was a starry-eyed participant in the affair. You don't lift your dress and snap your thong at a man unless you want to send a clear signal about your availability.

The tragedy for Monica Lewinsky is that her presidential crush turned into a personal disaster for her. And the tragedy for the United States is that it turned into a tawdry, partisan political circus.

Somewhere between 25 percent and 55 percent of spouses in this country admit to having affairs. It's not what we like to see, and it usually leads to broken hearts, but if there's mutual consent, it is hard to get too sanctimonious about it.

Unless it's your political opponent who had the affair. Then he's a filthy, rotten scoundrel.

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