
Schoales sees the big picture with town finances, education reform

BRATTLEBORO — This year, Windham County residents are lucky enough to have three excellent candidates running for the Vermont state senate.

I have decided to support David Schoales, because for several years I have watched him in action as he has served Brattleboro in his role as both a school board member and a selectboard member.

In this unique position, he has been able to see the big picture of the numerous issues challenging our financial resources as both a hub town for the surrounding area and as a school district with a high poverty rate and with many children whose families are affected by addiction.

Schoales's style is thoughtful and respectful, and he researches an issue before making a decision.

In the last few months as I have struggled to understand the ramifications of Act 46 upon Brattleboro schools, I have appreciated his taking the time to share with me his expertise on this issue and his willingness as a school board member to question both the Act 46 Study Committee and the WSESU officials about the test scores they present as an indication of inequities among towns and their estimates of the supposed financial savings that will result from the proposed consolidation.

Other Windham County towns are faced with many of the same issues as Brattleboro. I believe Schoales can be an articulate spokesperson in Montpelier on all of our issues and will also advocate for the legislature to change some of the requirements of Act 46 to better meet the individual needs of our towns.

I urge you to support him also.

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