
A matter of disrespect

Stealing signs and defacing public property reveal a disturbing level of desperation

BRATTLEBORO — Why do vandals attack other people's property?

In the many cases locally where “Black Lives Matter” signs have been stolen, it is hard to construe any reason other than racism, mixed with a disregard for freedom of speech and cowardice.

What can we surmise when the infraction is not theft of private property, but graffiti or other intentional marring of public property?

Here, the messages left will reveal much about the intentions. Within only a few days recently, there have been more than a dozen examples where Brattleboro town property has been methodically defaced.

In this case, the messages left were most disturbing. They promoted a variety of abuses, including sexual assault of women, discrimination against certain religions, disparagement of select ethnic groups, and repression of civil rights.

These messages were expressed with a viciously angry insistence of entitlement and a bullying, false bravado, designed to intimidate and sow fear among any who might disagree.

To exacerbate this transgression, these messages were positioned to make it look like the town officially promoted these opinions.

As Brattleboro depends so heavily upon the good graces of visitors and tourists, this most public expression of prejudice also has direct, negative economic consequences for our community.

All of this begs the question: Are these kind of illicit postings hate crimes? If not, why not?

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To those involved in this misuse of town property, please consider a few things.

Your disrespect for those around you reveals a disturbing level of desperation. This makes you the object of pity, and also opens you up to significant scorn. While petulant tyrants and their misguided minions might from time to time rule the day, they will be met with stern resistance.

This resistance is especially true in a town such as Brattleboro, where efforts to replace liberty and justice with domineering demagoguery are not taken kindly.

The wonderful flip-side of this situation is that Brattleboro is also where you are quite likely to find forgiveness and friendship, should you choose more appropriate ways to express your opinions.

* * *

This election has brought out the worst in some. It is no surprise that those who cling to outmoded opinions and byzantine beliefs would feel threatened by our inexorable progress toward more-humane and diverse social norms.

On the bright side, I find this rude, illegal behavior the exception here in Vermont. I greatly appreciate the fine efforts of the citizens of our region who have the class and ability to air their differences in civil ways.

Now we are at the end of this long election cycle, and I look forward to the beginning of the next grand gesture in our movement toward a healthier, more-sustainable, and more-just community.

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