
It’s time for disruptive protest

Forget Kumbaya, and stop trying to be sweet and rational

JACKSONVILLE — We blogged, we donated, we wrote letters to the editor, we won debates, we posted funny Facebook videos. But we didn't stop Trump.

Now we have a vulgar, lying, racist, sexist, narcissistic bully as our president. But we still have the power to bring him down.

The time has come for an American Resistance. Forget Kumbaya. Forget waiting for karma. Prayer, debates, and Facebook postings won't stop Donald Trump.

Here are some things that might.

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Massive, disruptive demonstrations. No more peace vigils and hand holding. It's time for disruptive protest against Trump and the GOP who are destroying American principles of justice, equality, and liberty. Find a group, take the day off and go. Start a group if you have to.

Follow Trump everywhere. Drown out his speeches. Throw rotten eggs. Geld his effigy. Pour fake blood. Shoot off fireworks. Hand out flyers that expose his lies. Get on TV.

Don't hurt anyone, just be visible and vocal.

And get arrested only if you can afford to.

Destruction of Trump property: Why not? Your tax dollars subsidized it. Remember, the Trump family has been living in obscene luxury for 18 years - all courtesy of you.

So go ahead and spread dog shit in his hotel lobbies. Set off stink bombs in the bathrooms. Paint graffiti on the walls. Shoot out his signs. In clothing stores, take a razor and slash “Ivanka Trump” dresses. Use your lipstick to send a message on “Ivanka Trump” blouses.

Call out Trump supporters on their bigotry and lies. Many of our friends and family members have been duped by the hateful agenda of the extreme right. Even if they don't know it, they are becoming liars and tools.

So stop trying to be so goddamn sweet and rational. Be vocal and vehement in resisting slander and hate against immigrants, African-Americans, women, refugees, Latinos, and LGBT Americans.

You can love people and be kind, but being silent in the face of evil never leads to peace and justice.

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