Holiday Support Program is offered for bereaved families
Dr. Anne Black

Holiday Support Program is offered for bereaved families

BRATTLEBORO — Atamaniuk Funeral Home is sponsoring its 19th annual Holiday Support Program and A Service of Remembrance on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 7 p.m., for bereaved families and friends.

The event will be held at Carl M. Dessaint VFW Post 1034, 40 Black Mountain Rd. The public is invited, and the event is free.

The holidays can be among the most difficult times for a grieving family. Celebrations and special family traditions are often painful for the bereaved.

During the program, speakers will share specific ways of coping with the holiday season and provide booklets and brochures. There will be a candle lighting ceremony in honor of all families that have experienced a loss. Each deceased family member will be remembered that evening. Afterwards, refreshments will be served.

The organizers encourage those who plan to attend to invite two others who they know have experienced a loss.

The featured speaker will be Dr. Anne Black, a grief therapist from Dummerston who is the founder and executive director of The Warrior Connection. Her business provides therapy for combat veterans focusing on resolving loss, healing moral injury, and mitigating and reducing PTSD symptoms. Black has written several books and conducted workshops in the field of bereavement and aftercare.

Special music for this year's program will feature local musician and composer Bill Shontz.

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