
BF Moose Lodge hosts Karaoke practice

BELLOWS FALLS — For three years, the International Moose Convention has hosted a karaoke contest featuring the top 12 finalists nationwide who have competed at local lodges across the country. In order to have the opportunity to be one of those finalists in 2017 and perhaps win the top prize of $5,000, contestants must begin by competing at a Moose Lodge.

The Moose Lodge of Bellows Falls, 59 Westminster St., will hold the second of three practice rounds for this competition on Saturday, Dec. 17, at 7 p.m. The third and final practice round will be held on Jan. 14.

Decisions about who will compete in the regional competition in March will be made on Feb. 11. Based upon this performance, judges will determine which finalists will move on to compete against other lodges.

Audience members will have the chance to offer written feedback after each of the practice rounds, which will be useful information to contestants as they prepare for the Feb. 11 elimination round.

All events, including the March regional final, will occur at the BF Moose Lodge. Contestant pre-registration is not required for preliminary rounds and the event is free and open to the public. Food and beverages will be available to the public.

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