
Columnists who insult readers are bullies

BRATTLEBORO — Isn't it about time you fellow Democrats stop calling anyone who did not vote for Hillary Clinton stupid?

I do not know the circumstances of anyone who did not go to college, but I'm sure it was not because they were stupid.

You, Randolph Holhut, were either financially secure or received a substantial scholarship, but implying that 59 million people in this country are stupid makes you look ignorant.

People have different opinions and ideas, but that does not make anyone stupid - and, frankly, that just might be why Clinton lost.

This nation has been dividing among the rich and poor, white and black, native born or immigrant, city folks and country folks for many years. Our government has been out of touch with the average American for years.

And for you and the other columnists in both local papers who keep insulting this country's public by calling them names? Well, in my opinion, that makes you all bullies!

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