
Electors should vote their conscience

BRATTLEBORO — The Hamilton Electors are in the process of doing something extraordinary!

This movement began within the Electoral College to encourage fellow electors to vote their conscience. Their goal is simple: to persuade 37 electors to either change their vote from Donald Trump to another qualified individual, or to abstain from voting altogether.

Changing the vote of 37 electors is so important because this will trigger the U.S. House of Representatives to name our next president.

With a new vote comes a new opportunity for new leadership. Donald Trump has questionable ethics, lack of policy knowledge, and lack of relevant experience.

This is an extraordinary situation where the welfare of our nation is at risk. Our founding fathers created the Electoral College in part as a final safeguard against an unfit candidate becoming president by popular vote.

Please visit hamiltonelectors.com to learn more about this important effort!

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