

I think Patience Merriman is absolutely correct! My wife and I just joined the ACLU and will align ourselves with the organization's works in the coming months and years.

Here are other measures:

• Speak out against groups that make lists of liberal professors and others. Call them all the horrible things that they are.

• If you fly the stars and stripes, fly it upside down. That's a distress signal, and boy, are we distressed.

• Personally, I always sit out the national anthem and the pledge of allegiance. (Neither is sanctioned in the Constitution.) But if that turns out to be hard to do, one understands.

• Most of all, talk (don't yell) to people. We all know that this situation is going to get worse before it gets better.

• Don't talk about leaving the country. My family came here in 1630, and I could belong to the Sons of the American Revolution on both sides of my family. (Yes, I have the documentation, but I choose not to.)

I am a combat veteran of the Vietnam War and have faced death for the concept of free speech. (That's one of the things they said we were there for. What did we know? Stupid kids!) No right-wing fascist fool who easily passes all tests for psychopath is going to run me out of my own home!

Thanks for letting me rant. Resist!

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