West Brattleboro Association names Nancy Barber its Community Leader of the Year
Nancy Barber receives her Community Leader of the Year award from West Brattleboro Association President Michael Bosworth.

West Brattleboro Association names Nancy Barber its Community Leader of the Year

BRATTLEBORO — The West Brattleboro Association announced its 2016 Community Leader of the Year recipient during the annual Holiday Party on Dec. 8 at Dalem's Chalet.

The winner of this sixth annual award is Nancy Barber, who served as a trustee of the Association for a number of years and as board secretary.

In addition to her service on the board, Barber participated in a number of events and committees including helping to organize the “Fun in the Field” events that raised money to conserve the Locke Farm Field and the “Village Day” events that helped bring the West Brattleboro community together. She also was on the Expanded Village Green working group.

The newly named Community Leader is well known for heading up Green-Up Day in West B for the last eight years, rounding up sponsors, arranging for publicity, tables, and sign-up sheets, and often providing coffee and donuts along with coordination the morning of the annual event.

During the rest of the year, she quietly goes about picking up litter during her many walks around the village.

Barber recently headed up the successful effort to apply for a Thomas Thompson Trust grant to infuse the Association's Neighborhoods Project with new funding. She continues to chair the Neighborhoods Project subcommittee as it administers this grant and disperses funds for activities to help bring close neighborhoods even closer.

In addition to her many activities with the West Brattleboro Association, she also serves on the board of Westgate Housing Inc.

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