Senior Solutions seeks Advisory Council volunteers

One of Vermont's oldest and largest senior citizen social service agencies needs volunteers from several southern Vermont towns to join its Advisory Council.

Senior Solutions is a nonprofit group serving 47 communities in Windsor and Windham counties, providing seniors with critical information and assistance like Meals on Wheels, health insurance and mental health counseling, transportation, exercise programs, home based social services, and caregiver support.

The Advisory Council provides advocacy and suggestions on furthering the nonprofit's goals.

Advisory Council volunteers meet once a month; the gatherings are a combination of business, educational, and social matters. Volunteers should have interest or experience in caregiver and elder issues.

The meetings often feature educational speakers and updates on legislative issues and agency services. Members are encouraged to share information so staff can learn more about elder issues and challenges and effectively respond.

Senior Solutions is one of five nonprofit area Agencies on Aging in Vermont. Formerly known as the Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont, Senior Solutions has provided Older Americans Act social services to Vermonters 60 years and older and their caregivers and families for more than 40 years.

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