
Auditions begin for 2017 Shakespeare in the Park

BRATTLEBORO — Vermont Theatre Company announces its auditions for its 28th annual Shakespeare in the Park production, A Midsummer Night's Dream, which will be performed in Brattleboro's Living Memorial Park June 29 through July 2, and July 7 through 9 in Putney, as part of the Great River Theatre Festival.

Auditions will be held in the Brattleboro Union High School auditorium on Sunday, Jan. 29, at 2 p.m., and Monday, Jan. 30, at 6 p.m. Actors are asked to prepare 12 lines of Shakespeare - memorized or read - to perform at the audition. The director will also ask auditionees to do an acting exercise.

The whole community is welcome to audition for this project - all abilities, ages, and types.

Midsummer is Shakespeare's most beloved comedy. Lost in the woods, four lovers fight for the affections of their preferred partners while mischievous fairies interfere. Meanwhile, the bumbling Bottom is transformed by a spell and becomes the paramour of the Queen of the fairies.

“We'll explore love and joy, dominance and control, and, most important, we'll explore being silly,” Director Jessica Gelter said in a news release. “With all that is happening in the world these days, I'm ready to tackle a project that will bring some joy to our community.”

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