Vernon briefs

Selectboard certifies highway mileage

VERNON — VERNON - There was one small change to the town's yearly certificate of highway mileage, issued every year by the Agency of Transportation and certified by officers in each Vermont municipality. The AOT uses this data for mapping and to help the legislature determine a town's annual highway funding.

In October, the Selectboard learned the AOT “gave” 0.18-mile of Lowry Road to Guilford, but it only represented a mapping correction. Guilford had already maintained the road and treated it as their own.

Otherwise, the town's roads remain the same. Vernon has no Class 1 highways; 7.86 miles of Class 2 highways; 17.03 miles of Class 3 highways (representing the loss of Lowry Road); and 11.64 miles of state highways.

The Selectboard unanimously approved the certificate and it was signed by Town Clerk Tim Arsenault, Board Chair Christiane Howe, Board Vice-Chair Sandra Harris, and Board member Emily Vergobbe.

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