Putney briefs

Modifications sought for Holland Hill tower

PUTNEY — PUTNEY - Town Manager Cynthia Stoddard notified the Selectboard she received a letter from law firm Downs Rachlin Martin notifying town officials of a petition for de minimus modifications and a request for a Certificate of Public Good for an SBA wireless communications tower on Holland Hill.

The request asks the state Public Service Board to approve adding a 7.5-kW backup generator and a propane storage tank to the tower's property.

At the Feb. 8 regular Selectboard meeting, Stoddard asked Board members if they had any questions or comments to send to the Public Service Board about the application. They had none.

Weigh your own coal

PUTNEY- Those with coal to weigh and fences to view will likely have to take matters into their own hands after March 8.

At the February 8 regular Selectboard meeting, Town Manager Cynthia Stoddard suggested removing the archaic positions of weigher of coal, fence viewer, and surveyor of wood and lumber from next year's list of town officers.

Stoddard told Board members statute doesn't require the town to fill those positions, and she proposed eliminating them from the town roster, instead of just not appointing anyone to them.

Board Chair Josh Laughlin asked Stoddard to make sure the Selectboard has no obligation to keep the positions.

Stoddard agreed, and said while she was researching Laughlin's question, she would refrain from sending letters to the current officers to ask if they wanted reappointment for next year's term.

Meet Newman Lane

PUTNEY - The Selectboard unanimously approved the naming of a new road in town.

The Windham & Windsor Housing Trust requested “Newman Lane” as the name of the access road going from Putney Landing Road to their new affordable housing complex soon to be under construction.

Highway mileage certified

PUTNEY - The Selectboard approved and signed the annual highway mileage certificate issued by the Vermont Agency of Transportation.

There were no changes in the town's roads since last year's certification, Board members reported at the Feb. 8 regular Selectboard meeting.

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