Brattleboro briefs

DPW gets new truck

BRATTLEBORO — BRATTLEBORO - The Selectboard voted to award Shearer Chevrolet of South Burlington the bid for a new truck for the Department of Public Works.

The truck, which will cost the town $23,482 with trade-in, was budgeted for $42,000.

At the June 6 Selectboard meeting, DPW Director Steve Barrett said this truck is used to maintain all of the municipal wastewater system's piping.

Water Treatment Plant upgrade gets preliminary funding

BRATTLEBORO - At the June 6 Selectboard meeting, members voted to award two bids, for a total cost of $179,900, to the Dufresne Group to begin the water treatment facility's generational upgrade.

One bid will cover Dufresne's preliminary engineering report on the Pleasant Valley Water Treatment Facility, and will cost $120,300.

The other will pay Dufresne $59,600 for a waste process water line feasibility evaluation.

The town set aside $225,000 from the Fiscal Year 2017 and 2018 Utilities Fund budgets for this project.

Recycling update

BRATTLEBORO - At the June 6 Selectboard meeting, Town Manager Peter B. Elwell announced changes to the town's curbside recycling program.

As of July 1, recycling will go from dual-stream - which mandates the separation of paper products from glass, aluminum, and plastic - to single-stream, where all recyclables can get co-mingled in one bin.

Additionally, plastics with the 3 through 6 recycling codes can go into curbside recycling beginning July 1, which is also the day the roll-off recycling bins from Fairground Road will be removed.

Elwell said a postcard with this information will go out to all Brattleboro residences prior to July 1, and the matter will be on the agenda for the June 20 regular Selectboard meeting.

Police-Fire Facility update

BRATTLEBORO - According to a June 1 memo issued by Town Manager Peter B. Elwell, the police station project on Black Mountain Road and the renovations at the Central Fire Station are moving along on schedule.

At the June 6 Selectboard meeting, Elwell requested the Board authorize the purchase and installation of emergency generators for all three municipal police and fire facilities at a cost of $102,764.

He also asked the Board to authorize the purchase and installation of a telephone system and telephones for the new police station for $11,070, and for the Central Fire Station, for $9,990. The Selectboard approved Elwell's requests.

More pool money

BRATTLEBORO - The emergency repairs to the failed winter repairs at the Living Memorial Park public pool are costing more than initially estimated.

In response to a request from Recreation and Parks Director Carol Lolatte, on June 6, the Selectboard authorized an additional $10,000 in funding to complete the repairs and open the pool to the public by June 17.

This brings the total funding for the remedial work to $30,000. Once the repairs are complete, inspectors will determine the cause of the failure and assign financial responsibility.

Board funds fix for Harris Place drain failure

BRATTLEBORO - The Selectboard awarded $121,513 in emergency capital funding to fix a failed drainage system on Harris Place at the June 6 meeting. The drainage issues are causing structural instability in the Harris Place municipal parking lot and on the embankment between the lot and the railroad tracks.

Town Manager Peter B. Elwell, with input from Department of Public Works officials, requested that the Board authorize Elwell to sign a contract with ECI of South Burlington. The firm was chosen for their experience working near railroads and power lines.

Town gets safety grant

BRATTLEBORO - The Selectboard voted to accept and appropriate a $4,422.23 safety grant from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns at the June 6 Board meeting.

The grant reimburses towns for “buying pre-approved equipment or services that will directly reduce the potential for future workers' compensation, property, or casualty/liability insurance claims,” the League's website says.

Town officials will use this money for equipment for the finance, public works, police, and fire departments.

Beware, dogs

BRATTLEBORO - The Selectboard voted to approve the annual dog warrant at the June 6 Board meeting.

The warrant contains a list of doggie scofflaws - or rather, their humans - without a current municipal license. Outlaw owners may face fines or impoundment of their pooches.

Interested parties can license their canines at the Town Clerk's office.

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