Town announces new job-listing protocol

BRATTLEBORO — The town of Brattleboro is asking for help from anyone and everyone who is interested in promoting increased diversity on the town staff.

In addition to proactively distributing all future job-opening notices more widely than in the past, the town will send those notices to any individual or group who wishes to receive them, according to a news release.

The goal of creating what the town is calling the “Job Openings Distribution List” is to help the town achieve greater diversity in applicant pools.

Participants are asked to forward town job opening notices to their email lists or social media contacts, or to use other means by which to distribute those notices either broadly or to target audiences of their choosing.

Each participating individual or group will decide for themselves when and to whom such job-opening notices will be forwarded. There are no limitations on who can sign up, and signing up brings only the opportunity to participate, not any obligation to take any particular action.

Town officials hope that by inviting broad public participation in their employee recruitment outreach, they will reach potential applicants who previously haven't been attracted to town employment.

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