Newfane briefs

Selectboard approves Town Office repairs

NEWFANE — NEWFANE - The Selectboard authorized the Town Office Building Committee's repair and maintenance requests at the June 19 regular Board meeting.

According to the committee report, which Board member Marion Dowling read into the record, three window sills need replacement before the building's exterior gets painted. The estimated cost is $750.

Janice Litchfield's Memorial Garden, located on the town office building's grounds, needs some cleaning, and the bench, picnic table, and wooden stockade fence in and around the garden also need some work. The total estimate for those items is $450.

Board member Gary Delius noted this funding is already budgeted.

“Janice Litchfield was an important part of this community,” said Delius, so her memorial garden should be kept in good condition. His colleagues agreed, and unanimously voted to approve the committee's requests.

Selectboard approves paving bid

NEWFANE - At a June 22 special meeting, the Selectboard awarded this summer's paving bid to Springfield Paving for $59.89 per ton in-place.

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