Newfane briefs

Selectboard sets tax rate

NEWFANE — NEWFANE - The Selectboard unanimously approved the Fiscal Year 2018 municipal tax rate - 58.7 cents per $100 of assessed value - at the July 10 regular Board meeting.

The FY18 tax rate is 9 cents higher than last year's, because the Grand List went down, said Doris Knechtel of the Board of Listers.

Knechtel provided Selectboard members with the town's financial information and explained how they come up with the tax rate.

The municipal budget passed at Town Meeting requires the Selectboard to raise $1,435,686. Divide that amount by the 2017 Grand List - $2,443,462 - and that's the tax rate.

The Listers don't have the education tax rate because they are waiting for current use information, which they submit to the state to get that figure, Knechtel said.

“There's been lots of glitches this year,” she noted.

Cemetery Association to meet

NEWFANE - The South Newfane Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting on Monday, Aug. 7, at 7 p.m., in the Vestry Hall of South Newfane Baptist Church, 380 Dover Rd.

On the agenda is the election of board officers, the treasurer's report, and proposed guidelines for cemetery use.

Questions? Contact the South Newfane Cemetery Association at P.O. Box 303, South Newfane, VT 05351 or [email protected].

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