
See if your kids qualify for free/reduced lunch

Think your family doesn't qualify for free/reduced lunch? Think again!

About 38,000 Vermont children qualify for free meals through the National School Lunch and Breakfast programs.

Filling out the paperwork to register for free/reduced lunch is important because the more students who qualify and eat school lunch, the more money the school receives to spend on quality ingredients in the cafeteria.

“With full bellies, children are better able to focus, less likely to get in trouble, and more likely to engage with teachers in positive, meaningful ways,” notes a press release from 3SquaresVT, a program from the Vermont Agency of Human Services Department for Children and Families.

These applications can be filled out at any time of the year, and the state agency points out that family eligibility might have changed since last year. Many who apply are surprised to learn they qualify.

If you have any questions or would like an application, contact your child's school, or visit vermontfoodhelp.com and turn your completed application in to your child's school.

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