F.E.E.T. starts pole painting project

BRATTLEBORO — There's a new art project to view in Brattleboro.

The Frost Elm Elliot Triangle neighbors have started a pole painting project that starts at the Restless Rooster on Elliot Street and continues to the corner of Elm and Elliot.

Organizers says the F.E.E.T. pole painting project was designed to bring neighbors together.

“This is a community-based art project that promotes our neighborhood and helps to create connection,” Kate Richardson, one of the painters and a resident on Elliot Street, said in a news release.

Local artist and neighbor Robyn Flatley, a longstanding member of F.E.E.T., facilitated the project coordination.

“I wanted to do something that celebrated the neighborhood I live in and to create a project that focused on the positive and beauty in our community,” she said.

F.E.E.T. is a group of neighbors and people who live and work in the triangle whose stated mission is to “Take Small Steps to Build a Greater Community.” The group has sponsored other decorative projects, including a large mural at the Restless Rooster Café, and several gardens that are located at the corners of the triangle.

F.E.E.T. also has a Neighborhood Pride Zone campaign and works to create a “we” attitude in the neighborhood. The 15 poles were painted by many neighbors and supporters including Richardson, Paul Rodrigue, Flatley, Sage Feldman, Crystal Kinney, KidsPLAYce Director Michelle Mahin, Misty Watson, John Webster, Kris and Stewart McDermet, Don Brown, Jason Hunter, Tom Finnell, Kate Audlin, Chris Blood, and others.

Artists were given a few guidelines, but otherwise were free to choose their own designs. Paint was either donated or subsidized by a small community grant from Ben and Jerry's.

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