Board persuades Emergency Management Director to stay

Hubbard will step back, lead training session on procedures and equipment

DUMMERSTON — Citing personal reasons, Emergency Management Director Dawn Hubbard attempted to resign from her position at the December 7 regular Selectboard meeting.

“I can't guarantee I'd be available during a crisis,” Hubbard said.

But Selectboard members wouldn't let her go.

Because Hubbard said she may fully return to her position in the future, Board member Maria Glabach suggested the Board grant Hubbard a leave of absence instead of accepting her resignation. “Would that help you?” Glabach asked.

Hubbard and most Board members agreed with that solution, but Board member Jerelyn Wilson pointed out a leave of absence means “you're not here."

All parties discussed options for allowing Hubbard to remain as EMD with the understanding she may not be available during an emergency. Board Chair Zeke Goodband noted Roads Foreman and firefighter Lee Chamberlin would “be out there” with the road crew and the West Dummerston Volunteer Fire Department. Selectboard members can step in as “a conduit for information,” noted Board member Hugh Worden.

Hubbard accepted this solution. She agreed to track her hours and lead a training session for the Board on procedures and equipment.

“If something happens,” Goodband said, “we have to assume” one or more of the five Selectboard members would step in as EMD. He said to Hubbard, “if you're around, looking for something to do” during an emergency, she could stop by and help out.

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