
Sugar’s Closet a success

BELLOWS FALLS — On Dec. 15, Parks Place Community Resource Center held Sugar's Closet, a holiday program designed to reach those in need of a little extra help during the holiday season.

This event was made possible with the help of a very special donor who was inspired by her late mother who never wanted to see a child go without during the holidays.

Sugar's Closet uses a unique model that allows parents and guardians to “shop” free of charge for their children. We strive to make this event one that is empowering for our families and mimics as closely as possible the experience of shopping in a retail store - an activity that many of us take for granted. The day was complete with festive lights and music, gift wrap, and a hot-chocolate station.

This year what was designed to be a one-day only event was expanded over the course of three days because of the generous support of our community partners. We were able to serve approximately 170 children, about 50 more than last year.

This program would not exist without the support of our community, so thank you for all who have made this possible.

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