Husband needs enough medicine on hand
Illustration of marijuana from the <i>Vienna Dioscurides,</i> circa 512.

Husband needs enough medicine on hand

BRATTLEBORO — I urge Vermont senators not to accept the proposed amendment to S.216, which would restrict the ability of medical marijuana patients - who now may grow two mature plants and up to seven immature plants - to the right to grow only two mature plants and four immature plants. The bill would also pare down the ability of medical marijuana patients to possess 2 ounces to 1 ounce.

My husband is a medical marijuana patient. He suffers from two distinct medical conditions that qualify him for a medical marijuana card. He has worked hard and studied hard to locate and grow various strains that relieve his symptoms.

As you might expect, there are many different strains, and some work better for him than others. Also, as with pharmaceuticals, if a strain is used over a long period of time, tolerance is developed and it is necessary to change the plants grown.

A significant lead time is needed to make sure my husband has enough medicine on hand. It is already very difficult to have enough medicine available under Vermont's restrictive home grow regulations.

We support the portion of the bill allowing dispensaries to grow more for the same reasons I have stated above, and because if the dispensaries are allowed to grow more, perhaps they can make their cannabis more affordable.

Being able to grow his own medicine to be as effective and personalized as he can make it has proved healing and empowering for my husband, and a blessing to our family. Please do not take this away from us.

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