April is Month of the Young Child

BRATTLEBORO — The Month of the Young Child, celebrated across the country in April, is an opportunity for communities to celebrate young children and the people, places, and programs laying the foundation for their future success.

Organizations that plan and support Month of the Young Child activities include: The Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development, Early Education Services, Windham Early Childhood Educators Co-op, Hilltop Montessori, Green Street Promise Community, and Parent Express.

More than a dozen other local organizations participate by offering free, fun, educational events to families throughout the month. The opportunities presented touch upon all aspects of young children's development.

Many of the planned events provide children a chance to enjoy interactive musical experiences, providing many benefits for developing brains. Local musicians Andy Davis, Peter Seigel, Sobo Studios, and Robin Morgan all host engaging sing-a-longs at various locations throughout the month.

Activities that allow children to practice gross motor skills such as balance, coordination, strength, and endurance include a Brattleboro School of Dance class or free play at the Brattleboro Recreation & Parks Department's open gym or KidsPLAYce. Many outdoor activities are planned also, including family-friendly hikes at the Retreat Farm, the Winston Prouty Center forest, and Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center.

Children will have the opportunity to express themselves and practice their observational and fine-motor skills at The River Gallery School's “Making Art with Found Materials” class, while the works of hundreds of young artists will be on display at the River Garden and Moore Free Library throughout the month.

In other programming highlights, Early Learning Express Bookmobile Librarian Sueño LeBlond will present a puppet variety show; Hilltop Montessori School will invite visitors to meet animals awaking for spring in a presentation by Teaching Creatures; and Wild Carrot Farm will give families a chance to see a working farm in action.

Month of the Young Child activities are planned with not only children in mind but also their parents and caregivers.

Parents can learn about how stressful events affect early development - and how to build resilience - at a presentation at the Prouty Center; learn about available resources to support their families at the 14th annual Young Children's Art Exhibit opening; or build connections with other families at Early Education Services' Family Fun event.

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